If you are interested in seeing some of the projects I have worked on, check out my portfolio and resume.
Portfolio >>>cartoondan
CartoonDan is an entertainment website with online games and story books. It was started in 1999 by Dan Glover.

dan glover
Hello, my name is Dan Glover. I am a game designer, artist and javascript programmer.
I started CartoonDan because I love to make games. All of the games on this site are ones I have made (graphics, programing and game design). My work is known for it's fun colorful graphics with a lighthearted sense of humor.
I have Bachelor of Science in Art with emphasis in Illustration from Biola University and have worked many years in the casual games and educational software industry.
The CartoonDan game phylosophy is to make games that are fun to play and give you a sence of acomplishment when you play them well. This means ballancing the difficulty of the games so they are not too hard, but also not so easy that you can win without trying. I believe the best games are the ones you invest your mind and heart into.
My games are family friendly. They contain some comic mischief but there is no blood, swearing or sexual content. I prefer to make and play games that are not mean spirited or negative.
I hope you enjoy all of the games and stories!