
Compete in four track and field events for gold medals.

Event 1: 40 Meters

To gain speed, click your lil mouse when the black thing is on top of duh green stuff. Bring home the gold with a time under 30 seconds.

Event 2: Hurdles

Click and hold dah mousey to start your jump bar and release it to jump. The more power, the higher you jump, but you slow down the longer you are in the air. 33 seconds for gold.

Event 3: Shot-Put

Click to stop dah bars and set the power and height of dah throw. The more power the better, but set the height near the middle. If you do a Tiger Throw click the mouse repeatedly. 44ft for gold.

Event 4: Long Jump

First you run. Click the spinner when its over green to gain speed. Then when I tell you to jump, you click to jump before you cross the green line. 38 feet for gold.